Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Appologies across the board.

Hello all,   those of you who pay attention have noticed some changes at Goose Creek.   And what was  supposed to be a seamless transition has become somewhat of a cluster as the actual implementation took place.   But for those of  you who don't know,  here is what has been going on.

Goose Creek Cycle really has two sides,  the retail sales and service,  and the internet side.   Our local customers are familiar with the retail side and are probably vaguely aware that there is usually someone in the back grabbing things off the shelves putting them in boxes and swearing at the computer.    The reality is that the internet side is more than just the guy putting stuff in boxes,  and for quite some time the lions share of the work has been going on laptops and cell phones in places other than the store. 

Based on both personal necessity and as an attempt to get some of the clutter out of the shop we have decided to pull the internet operations completely out of the store.   This will free up space for the retail side,   and streamline the internet side.   It will also mean that we will have 2 separate inventories.   

As of this week the online side has been moved into a temporary location,  with a partial inventory.   We are hoping that this temporary location will be replaced by a new retail location that is large enough to handle both a larger retail store and a separate shipping facility either in the same building or adjacent to it.    All this is sort of getting ahead of ourselves though.  

The main point here was that we had a lot more problems with the move than expected.   Now almost a week into the transition we are just getting computers back up online.   (primary computer was crushed in the move and it took longer to get internet in than expected)   That being said we are so behind we cant think,  so we are actually going to pull the internet store down for about a week to catch up and separate online and retail inventory.   Those of you with pending orders we apologize for shipping delays,  we are going as fast as we can, and may products are having to be transferred over from the shop.  Bear with us,  we will be back in a week. 

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