Sunday, September 7, 2014

Yes the Rumors are true.. Goose Creek Cycle has reopened in La Grange

After a year hiatus I have moved back to Oldham county and have reopened the bike shop. A big thanks to those of you who have welcomed me back and helped me move all my stuff back in. It is taking me longer than expected to sift through all the inventory and get it back on the shelf, but we are getting there and shipments of new inventory are coming through the door as fast as I can handle them. The shop is open for service and repair, and the inventory is back up to a level that I am pretty confident we have most everything you might need. Until I get me family settled and everything in the shop organized the way we like them we are doing short hours. That Look like this... M,T,W,T,F: 10a-2p Odd numbered Saturdays 10-4 Even Numbered Saturdays Closed We will have late weekday hours soon. Also the old phone number has been turned off, so all phone calls can be directed to my cell phone 502-938-0004

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