Okay, I have recently had a rash of slow leaks in my car tires. Normally when I get a flat I check the tires and see if it is time to replace them. If it is, I just do that. If not, I use a plug kit. But these last two flats have been slow leaks. These are the kind that you pump up and the tire stays inflated as long as the car is sitting, but as you drive you slowly lose air. I coundn't plug them because I couldn't find the hole, and I was not due for a change in tires, so I decided to put Stan's in.
Considering that I have had better luck with Stans than Slime on my bike, it seemed to be the way to go in my car as well, but I checked with Stan first. So the things you will proabably want to know.
#1: Yes the normal Stan's is the same as the Lawn and Garden Stans. They just put it in a different bottle.
#2: The recomended volume of Stans in an Auto tire is 2oz. More that that may mess with your balance at high speeds.
#3: The best way to get it into the tire is to remove the valve core, then use and injector to measure and inject the Stans, then put the valve core back in, pump up the tire and drive around your neighborhood to spread the Stans around in the tire.
#4: The soulution remains liquid down to about -40degF so it will work fine in the winter
#5: The solution may dry up in a few months, depending on how many flats it prevents, so you can either add a little two or three times a year, or you can wait until you get a flat as a sure indicator that the sealant has dried up and then add solution.
All of this was done with the same tools and solutions I use on my bikes, so other than being out 8oz of solution this (about $4 retail) This was a very inexpensive fix to what would have otherwise meant buying new tires. This should also prevent further flats in those tires. So again I have found new uses for my bike stuff. If you care to join me in my worry free driving experiance, everything you need to get your car proteted is at the link below.
Stans Stuff
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